For some of us, sport means so much more than it does to others…
For some it gives an opportunity to prove to ourselves that we can do it, we see it as a way for us to find out what we are made of, an avenue to find out what we can achieve if we put our mind to something and fully dedicate ourselves, or maybe to prove others wrong, and do something that someone thought we couldn’t.

What better sport to achieve these goals than the toughest sport of all, the oldest and most natural form of competition… fighting.

Boxing naturally draws fighters into its cold world, for you must have passion, mental toughness and a desire to win, to even begin training at a boxing gym. All great boxers are strong individuals who had to overcome obstacles in life, and after Boxism were contacted by a family who wanted to tell the story of a fighter, both in life and in the ring, who has overcome troubles through boxing, they felt it necessary to share this story for others who may also struggle with the same obstacles, and show that any obstacle is simply that… an obstacle, which can be overcome.

Gabrielle Reid is a 14 year old from Poole, Dorset, who started boxing five years ago. Gabrielle suffers with Cerebral Palsy, a condition which effects muscle control, movement, co-ordination and spatial awareness. Gabrielle, who once struggled to walk, used to have to use a wheelchair to travel long distances, as the disorder affected her movement so much she would be in pain from the journey. Since she has taken up boxing, Gabrielle, who is also known as ‘Gabz’ strength has rocketed and her co-ordination has improved exponentially… so much so that she has just competed in Bournemouth, at her first ever amateur fight… and won!
It is an incredible achievement to get to the level of being able to step into the ring in an official contest, but beating her opponent was the icing on the sweet science cake. The determined teenager was quoted in the Daily Mirror, who also printed Gabrielle’s incredible story as saying “I’m over the moon to have won my first fight, boxing means the world to me… and also now I don’t get any aches and pains any more.”


This is another amazing story showing what Boxing can do for people. It is nice to hear a success story showing how the sport of boxing is again helping the youth to progress in life and providing a direction. Speaking with Boxism directly, Gabrielle’s Mother said “Gabrielle has committed so much to her boxing and now she is the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever seen her. We really hope her achievements can help to encourage other children with and without disabilities to believe in themselves. It’s a sport that has a positive impact both physically and mentally.” Asking about Gabrielle’s plans for the future and what she would like to achieve in the sport, ‘Gabz’ speaking with Boxism exclusively said: “I love boxing so much and I hope to go to the Olympics, and one day coach other children to help their dreams come true.”

What an incredible person, Gabz sounds like a very special individual indeed, she plans to have her second bout in October and all of us at Boxism would like to wish her the best of luck in her journey. Gabrielle would like to say a massive thank you to her coach Mo Kargbo, a huge thankyou to her brother and sister who support her through everything and have at times had to make sacrifices so Gabrielle can continue her boxing…and a thank you to her new sponsor Luxurycare whose sponsorship means her boxing can continue.

Credit to:
Boxism Boxing HQ, 5 Old Ford Rd, London E2 9PJ
United Kingdom

Gabrielle Reid, A Future Fighting Champion with Cerebral Palsy
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